SAMU RAATIKAINENInstallation 31.3.2007 – 22.4.2007

Installation, 2007
plaster, paint

This exhibition once again reveals my ongoing fascination with the repetition of simple three-dimensional dots. This has now grown in scale to create an installation-like work that covers almost an entire wall with a cluster of around 130 of these dots.

The large and sharp-tipped dots, which are moulded from plaster and painted white, protrude dangerously from the surface of the wall. They appear to be in a state of change and growth, menacingly engaging the viewer within the small space. The work is aesthetically dangerous. The indirect light of the space softens their physicality and makes them feel immaterial.

The peace of the gallery, the so-called white cube created by modern architecture for displaying art, is broken by a single very simple form. When encountering the installation-like wall relief, the significance within the space of the individual experience, the viewer's feelings and reactions, is amplified.

Samu Raatikainen

Untitled 1-6, 2007
burning on paper
á 34 x 34 cm


Installation, 2007
plaster, paint


Installation, 2007
plaster, paint
